the six days of bookmas | disappointed reads of 2024

by - 8:30 AM

Hello there - happy day two of Bookmas 2024! Before jumping in, I just want to preface this list by saying that none of these books are bad in any way shape or form and were included as a disappointed read because it simply didn't quite meet what I was looking for within the story. 

Some were just simply read at the wrong time while others just didn't explore the content or character arcs in a way that worked for me. Regardless, I think each title on this list has incredible merit that could easily make it another person's favorite story and that's the exciting part about reading!

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days of distraction by alexandra chang
I've had this book on my shelves for years before finally picking it up this year and it's a classic example of right book, wrong time. Had I read this novel when I picked it up, I think it would have been a lot more impactful. While I did appreciate exploring what it means to be Asian American through the character's internal monologues and musings, a lot of presented information wasn't new and therefore lacked the punch I was hoping it would deliver. Overall, still a really strong story and one that I think would be perfect for anyone looking to explore the definition of being Asian American and feeling stagnant in their 20s. 

faebound by saara el-arifi
Looking back, it's been a hot minute since I've read a truly high fantasy-esque novel with elves and fae and political shenanigans which is what made this story ultimately disappointing to me. While I love good world-building, I've realized that deep down, I'm a pretty heavy character-driven reader and this is just an instance of the characters not working for me. I found their arcs to be a bit stagnant and the overall tone felt really juvenile for an adult-marketed story.

alone with you in the ether by olivie blake
Not gonna lie, I was a bit apprehensive going into this because I had heard a lot of mixed things about the story. I knew from the beginning that this centered around two messy individuals working through a whirlwind of a romance and went into it hoping that I’d end up enjoying the ride. While Olivie Blake’s prose was absolutely gorgeous, I definitely struggled to relate to the characters and ended up feeling a bit overwhelmed by their chaotic nature. 

of jade and dragons by amber chen
I was pretty excited for Of Jade and Dragons because I love a good competition storyline and the synopsis reminded me of Spin the Dawn which is one of my favorite YA retellings. With Of Jade and Dragons, I think it just came down to age - the characters, while written to be 19+, were portrayed a lot younger which made it difficult to sympathize with them. This is 100% a me issue as I just went into the story as not the targeted audience but I do think this would be a fantastic read for someone actually in the YA age range.

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king of pride by ana huang
I'm a little heartbroken to be including this on the list - especially since I think King of Wrath made it into my top reads of 2023. There's a really good review from Diemmi Reads that pretty accurately sums up my feelings for this book and I was so disappointed because I genuinely thought this would be a favorite of the year. While I love the characters, the plot felt overly predictable and didn't deliver the same heartwrenching feelings I was hoping it would. Still keeping my fingers crossed for the rest of the series though!

she is a haunting by trang thanh tran
I recently posted my review for this book but to summarize it briefly - I've had this book on my shelves for actual years and after finally getting to the story felt incredibly mediocre. I was hoping to be shocked and outraged especially with the themes of a creepy house, possessed spirits, and the exploration of colonialism and imperialism on Vietnam. While the latter theme was really well explored, a lot of "horror" anticipation didn't land for me personally.

fathomfolk by eliza chan
I might be cheating a little by including this on the list because I soft-DNF'd this book and didn't actually finish reading. I was genuinely so excited about Fathomfolk because of its Atlantis-inspired setting and the cover just gives mystical/magical vibes. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble getting into the story and always stop around the 200 page mark - something about the pacing feels incredibly slow, like there should be something happening but we're still setting up. I'm still holding out some hope for this book though and hopefully will be able to push through that 200 page mark and maybe be pleasantly surprised.

Please let me know some of your disappointing reads for the year - I feel like mine weren't too bad, it was a lot of overhyped expectations but I would still recommend them overall. It's also getting super cold so I hope everyone stays warm and I'll be back for Day 3!

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