books on my shelf | backlist tbr for 2024

by - 9:30 AM

Hello there! One of the first pages I always set up in my reading journals at the start of a new year is a tbr of some titles I consider must-reads. I was less than successful in 2023 as I only read four out of the twelve titles I wrote down so we're paring down the total number to ten titles for 2024. 

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Starting off with some new releases, I recently shared ten anticipated titles and if I had to pick my top three, it would be these. I've been a huge fan of Katherine Arden's Winternight trilogy so her newest adult release has been high on my radar ever since she announced that she was working on it. As with K.X. Song, her novel An Echo in the City was one of my favorite reads of 2023 and I'm incredibly excited to see how she writes fantasy especially since it's a Mulan-inspired retelling. Ava Reid has also become one of my new must-read authors so naturally I have her next work on this list.

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I have reached a point on my shelves where space is extremely precious and scarce. I always make a mental note to read my backlist of physical books but every year the number of read books on my shelves never seem to actually decrease. I picked up Bunny  and The Stationary Shop in 2023 after hearing phenomenal things about both titles so I'm really hoping I'll get to them. Juniper Thorn is the only Ava Red novel I haven't fully read as I put it down previously due to school so I've been itching to get back into that story for months. With the Darker Shade of Magic trilogy, I originally picked them up during COVID but for some reason they've been sitting on my shelves unread for the past three years so it's time I get started.

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I am a chronic anti-rereader and solely because I'm worried the books won't hit the same. However, these titles are some of my favorites from recent years and I've found myself thinking about the worlds and characters lately with a lot of nostalgia. I'm still very nervous to actually go and reread them, but hopefully by putting them on this list I'll have a little more motivation to actually reread them this year. 

I'm definitely aiming for more than four of these titles read by the end of 2024 and this list will hopefully keep me accountable. I'm also feeling a little ambitious and going to try to see if I can read 30 minutes a day - in the hopes that it'll help me establish a more consistent reading routine. Please let me know if you've read any of these titles and if any of them are on your tbr for the new year!

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