five reasons to read ordinary monsters by j.m. miro | listed

by - 8:00 AM

"Difference, children, is not monstrous. It is nature at work." 

 isbn: 978-1250833662 | pages:  672
      publication date: June 07, 2022 | source: e-book, publisher
     genre: adult, historical fiction, urban fantasy

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I received a copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts are 100% my own.

1. familiar but new
For a whopping 600+ pages, Ordinary Monsters manages to create a storyline that feels strangely familiar with a cast of characters that is brand new to the reader. The premise of a school for magical youth is one that's been done multiple times but the author takes the world-building to another scope that feels grand and leaves a lasting impression. 

2. a race against time
The length of this book made it incredibly daunting at first and it was truly the pacing that pulled through and I just couldn't stop turning (clicking) the pages. The sense of urgency and gradual climax of tension within the characters' journeys. For the first book in a trilogy, the author did a fantastic job setting up the premise that will launch us into the rest of the series.

3. an unexpected family
You can't go into this novel and not feel enveloped by the found family within the pages. The characters learn to trust each other through their newly shared experience at Cairndale Institute. There's a focus on finding one's purpose and a place to belong but it isn't presented as all sunshine and rainbows but on a grayscale spectrum that reflects the personal experiences of each of the characters.

4. an exploration of heartache and trauma
As all the gifted children come to the sprawling mansion without a family, there's a lot to uncover regarding their past experiences which have shaped them before their arrival. While the story takes us all across the world from Edinburgh, the US, Tokyo, and more - the characters are able to reflect on their past and grow into their full potential.

5. a story to immerse yourself
The mysterious school trope is probably one of my favorites and it's so well done in this novel. The Institute is this place where the world of the living and dead come dangerously close to colliding and the consequences are ones that the characters must fight against. There is a lot going on in a book this size and at times it felt like there was just so much happening it was hard to wrap my mind around it all. But at the end, it's a book that I cannot stop thinking about because of all its intricacies and makes me all the more excited for its sequel. 

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  1. Ooh, I dunno, this would be a pretty ambitous read for me given the length but it does sound like something I might like!

    1. it's definitely a chunky read but if you decide to pick it up please let me know what you think!

  2. Riv!! It's so lovely to visit your blog again.
    Ordinary Monsters sounds like such a good read. I've been in a bit of a reading slump and looking for fiction books to pull me out of it -- maybe I'll give this one a try. I also am a huge fan of the mystery school trope and magical youth/youth adventure stories!

    claire @clairefy


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