finishing up my reading plans | december tbr

by - 9:30 AM


Hello everyone! I've been in a bit of a posting rut for the past two months and with December officially marking the end of 2020, I wanted to close out the year strong. Despite my schedule being hectic, I want to try and post every MWF leading up to December 25th which equals to 10 posts in total for a "blogmas" special. Since I tend to like sticking to reviews, this is a fun way to make some more creative posts and honestly would be a nice break for my brain from work. 

Kicking it off, I don't normally set tbrs for myself since I'm horrible at keeping them, but this year I've been listing out some "hopefuls" which have been helpful in giving me an idea for what to read next. I would love to read all of these books (if not more) this month and in general just want to read some happy books after my month-long TBG mourning period.

(all covers are linked to Goodreads for synopsis / more information)

these violent delights by chloe gong
I originally planned on picking this up right when it came out but instead of reading something different, I just ended up rereading The Burning God because I read the e-arc and wanted to read the physical book (and cry some more). I'm hoping with the month change that I can stop my mourning and jump into one of my most anticipated releases of the year. Hearing all the amazing things about this book since April has made me so excited to finally meet Juliette and Roma and just explore 1920s Shanghai.

the house in the cerulean sea by tj klune
Last month I buddy-read Raybearer with one of my best friends and it was really fun just chatting about books with someone who isn't part of the bookish community online. We decided to pick up The House in the Cerulean Sea because I've been hearing so many good things about this series and a couple of my friends have called it a "happy fantasy" which I desperately need in my life right now. 

the silvered serpents by roshani chokshi
I am very ashamed that this book is still on my "currently reading" shelf because it came out in SEPTEMBER but I'm just a scaredy cat and I don't want to see the characters go through any more pain...if this isn't on my "read" shelf by the end of 2020, please come yell at me. 

the starless sea by erin morgenstern 
Another book I was buddy-reading with my book club but I'm pretty sure that everyone else has already finished this? Regardless, I still really want to read this and I'm definitely in the mood for something magical that doesn't involve absolutely destroying my soul.

the iron fey series by julie kagawa
Originally I wanted to re-read/binge the entire series because the special edition of The Iron Knight was supposed to come out mid-December. However, after checking online, I think the release date was pushed to January. Since I've been hyping myself for this reread, I'm going to still try and read the first three books in December to prepare myself for the fourth book and eventually The Iron Raven spin-off in February. 
I feel like there's a decent mix of (small) pain and happiness in this list which hopefully will get me through the last month of 2020. I've already passed my Goodreads Challenge for the year so there's a little less pressure to catch up - I recently started a full-time job so if you have any tips of balancing reading with work, advice would be so appreciated!

What books are you hoping to read before the end of 2020?

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  1. The House in the Cerulean Sea is one of the most precious books I have ever read. I hope you love it!!!

    1. I'm so excited! My library hold just came in so I'm hoping to jump into it this weekend!

  2. You have some amazing books stacked up for the month, I hope you'll enjoy them!

    Tasya // The Literary Huntress

    1. Thank you Tasya! I'm super excited as well though also lowkey intimidated because I only read 3 books in November so it seems a bit ambitious 😂


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