let's yip yip into fiction | avatar the last airbender tag

by - 11:23 AM

Hello friends! Okay - this isn't my best post title but it'll grow on me eventually I think. avatar the last airbender has taken the internet by storm recently and it's hitting me with all the nostalgia seeing everyone talk about this show. I've only watched snippets before when I was younger but ended up binging the whole show with one of my friends who had the DVDs (true fan) over winter break one year and it was everything. 

I was tagged about a month ago to do the avatar the last airbender tag by the wonderful belle @ bellecanread. Her video isn't up anymore I believe, but she has a lot of amazing vlogs up on her channel that are always so relaxing to watch - the scenery and editing is just A+ 💯. I also tried drawing the headers this time cause my sister got a pen thing with her school laptop...they are definitely not works of art but it was kind of fun and they do look nice (?)

katara and sokka - best sibling relationship
sasha and vasya from the winternight trilogy by katherine arden
This sibling duo honestly owns my heart - Vasya is incredibly headstrong and breaks against the many stereotypes placed on women in Medieval Russia whereas Sasha is one who lives by the rules as a monk. Their dynamic is so precious and despite occasional disagreements, Sasha continues to support his sister when literally everyone is trying to kill her. 

yue - favorite star crossed lovers
karou and akiva from daughter of smoke and bone by laini taylor
The opening literally states that an angel and demon fell in love and chaos happened which is pretty star crossed in my opinion. To be honest, they aren't my absolute faves but I have to admit that they're the only pairing I could think about at the moment so their lasting impact can be a testament to something I guess.

blood bending: a book with disturbing/unsettling content
wicked saints and ruthless gods by emily a duncan
Please avoid if you're not a fan of blood and eye gore (especially in the sequel - do not read at midnight because falling asleep will not be an viable option).

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toph - character whose strength surprised you
minya from muse of nightmares
Minya was one of those characters in the first book that intrigued me and the main reason why I continued with the sequel. As she is literally the embodiment of vengeance, the exploration and development of her character revealed so many nuances that I really appreciated. You're already surprised by her resilience in strange the dreamer but particularly in muse, there's just so many more layers explored.

tales of ba sing se - best short story/poetry collection
wild embers by nikita gill
I feel like this is always my answer for anything poetry related because I honestly do not read that many collections. With that being said, I do adore Nikita Gill's writing and all of her collections are incredibly beautiful, wild embers just has a special place in my heart.

kioshi warriors - best warrior character
the order of the bandersnatch from wicked as you wish by rin chupeco
Um they are literally the best crew?! When it comes to best warriors, this group has honestly an eclectic group of characters with varying strengths and weaknesses but their loyalty and perseverance is out of this world. 

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zuko - best redemption arc
tea from the bone witch by rin chupeco 
I had to fit TBW somewhere in this tag and honestly it worked out in my favor. This isn't much of a spoiler since the first book starts off a dual storyline of documenting her story after her downfall and the origin story itself. If it isn't obvious already, I love Tea and she deserves all the love in the world.

iroh - wisest character
bailey from making faces by amy harmon
The first thing that came to mind when thinking about wise characters are the quotes that I can remember from them. Bailey hands down has the most memorable ones and he's also one of the the best side characters ever. One of my favorites - "everyone is a main character to someone."

azula - best downfall
konstantin from the winternight trilogy by katherine arden
Yes I have a repeat but I cannot even begin to describe my immense hate for this man. He starts off as the primary villain and kind of gets overshadowed in the later books but he's still a present menace. Did I want him to suffer more - yes x1000 - but his downfall was still so satisfying because I waited three books for his horrible self to just die.

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appa - favorite fictional animal/pet
mephi from the bone shard daughter by andrea stewart
If you've read my last review, you'll know how much I adore Mephi. Honestly not quite sure what creature he is - some sort of otter, cat, dragon thing (?) but he is adorable and the bestest sidekick. He also gives me Appa vibes as well so extra points for that.

aang - purest cinnamon roll
likh from the bone witch trilogy by rin chupeco
Wow another repeat - can you tell what my favorite books are? In all honesty, Likh must be protected at. all. costs. She goes through so much self-exploration and hardship and comes out like the most beautiful butterfly. I legit adore her.

avatar state - character that struggles with letting go / a stubborn character
talyien from the wolf of oren yaro by k.s. villoso
Talyien literally spends the entire novel chasing an ideal and trying so hard to protect the empire her father had created. She's incredibly stubborn and headstrong, qualities that can sometimes get on my nerves while reading, but her dedication to her family and legacy is something to be admired and I'm low-key dying right as I read the sequel.

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Those were all my answers for the avatar the last airbender tag! Thanks again to Belle for tagging me, it was so much fun to try and answer the questions. If you've watched this show please let me know what type of airbender you would be? I took a quiz and got earthbender which I think matches pretty well. 

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  1. I love your answers so much, they're all pretty similar with mine! I thought I did this tag before but apparently not, but anyways it's been sitting on my draft and many of our answers are the same! I don't think I've ever hate a villain as much as Konstantin, he made my skin crawl. I love Sasha and Vasya though, their relationship is just amazing! I love Olga too but it's clear that Sasha and Vasya has a special bond. Or maybe it's just Sasha, he seems to be very supportive of people he loves!

    Tasya // The Literary Huntress

    1. Ooh I'd love to see your answers - wow it's amazing that there are so many similar ones!! Whenever I think of a character to destroy Konstatin is always #1 I absolutely hate him. I do love Olga and Vasya too!! Ahh the entire family just was so precious 💕

  2. I love this book tag. It's so fun to read. It's well thought of too. Anyway, I agree with you with the stubborn character, Tali is the most. I'm now into The Ikessar Falcon and I can't wait to know how the bitch queen survives.

    Yani at Litfae

    1. Thank you!! Oh my gosh I'm DYING over Ikessar Falcon right now my heart is literally constantly crying 😂😂


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