celebrating wikathon | wrap up and reviews

by - 4:39 PM


Hello friends! I recently participated in Wikathon in the month of August which is a readathon dedicated to reading books by authors from the Filipino diaspora in celebration of Buwan ng Wika. There were a total of seven challenges, which I attempted to and completed six if you double some of the books. This was honestly such an amazing experience and I really loved participating. Huge thank you to the amazing hosts Kate, Gerald, Julienne, Kat, and Alex for putting this together! 
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patron saints of nothing by randy ribay - 3.75 stars
I have been wanting to pick this one up for months and after continuing to put it off over and over again, I finally got around to reading this. Everything about Patron Saints is powerful from the politics to the message of the story. After reading this book, I felt like I needed to just read-up on everything about Philippine politics because I felt so uneducated about the issues of the global world. This book is one of those instances that display the convicting power of fiction - the story is not true but reflects what many families have experienced under the Drug War and now Junk Terror Bill. 

the gilded wolves by roshani chokshi - 3.5 stars
Another one that I have finally finished and it took me long enough! I started this back in July but kept putting it down and that ultimately impacted my reading experience a bit. Roshani Chokshi does a masterful job in creating this alternate Paris and the Order of Babel, but because my reading was so inconsistent, it took me a while to fully understand the mechanics of forging. With that in mind, this story is so unbelievably complex and when you hear people rave about the found family trope in this book, know that it's 100% justified because I absolutely adored every single person in Séverin's group. So much happens in The Gilded Wolves and it only sets up for an even grander story in the upcoming sequels.

vanessa yu's magical paris tea shop by roselle lim - 3 stars
After finishing a bunch of fantasies in a row, I needed something happy in my life, and picking up Vanessa Yu's Magical Paris Tea Shop was perfect. The story is set in the city of love and was both heartwarming and magical as the title suggests. Finishing this left me with a strong craving for all the pastries in the world because Roselle Lim is truly gifted in her ability to describe food on the page. I loved Vanessa's large group of (sometimes) over-bearing aunts and the overall portrayal of family. With this being a romance, I did find the romantic relationship a bit too insta-love with the events being very conveniently foreshadowed, but it was still a sweet story. 

the wolf of oren-yaro by k.s. villoso - 3.5 stars
Okay this book wrecked and confused me so much I don't quite know what to say. I did finish this yesterday (09/02) so it doesn't quite count but the majority of the book was read in August...The Wolf of Oren-Yaro is an incredibly character-driven story that takes place in a divided kingdom where loyalties are tested and our main character finds herself surrounded by enemies. Talyien was, in short, difficult to like which is a struggle since she's the focus of the story. Difficult as in the decisions she made were so infuriating at times I needed to take a breather. Despite that, K.S. Villoso continued to capture my interest to keep reading - Talyien was obviously hiding something from the reader and it led to the question of if everything falling apart was somehow linked to what was being hidden. I am unbelievably excited to continue with the sequel as part of Caffeine Book Tour's #DethroneTheDragonlord just so I can (hopefully) see the downfall of certain characters. 😇 
After finish Vanessa Yu's Magical Paris Tea Shop, I wanted to try and create the magical atmosphere of the story in a little video diary. Quick disclaimer that I am not an artist by any means, but it was fun to pinpoint some parallels in the book with pieces from my everyday life.
Wikathon was so much fun and opened my eyes to so many amazing books that I'm glad to have on my radar now. Especially in today's current political landscape, it's incredibly important to continue to support Filipino authors as well as Filipino creators so be sure to reach out to those you know and offer your voice to champion their voices which are being silenced by the government (aka Junk Terror Bill). 

What is your favorite book by a Filipino author? 

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  1. I didn't know that you participated in Wikathon! You did a good job.

    I haven't read my copy of Vanessa Yu because I'm waiting for the right mood for it. I have seen a lot of reviews that say it's more contemporary than romance, which may be why the romantic development is secondary. I don't know. I'll see for myself soon enough!

    1. Aww thank you Shealea! I definitely was a bit ambitious in the planning, but I'm glad I read the books that I did. Hope you get to pick up Vanessa Yu soon, can't wait to hear what you think! 💕

  2. I do actually really want to read Vanessa Yu’s Magical Paris Tea Shop! It looks so lovely and fluffy, like an instant mood boost! I have read a few other books by Roselle Lim and I just love how she writes.

    1. It's such a cute read!! Let me know what you think once you get started!! 💕


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