filling up my time reading | bout of books 28.0

by - 1:13 PM

Hi friends! Bout of Books officially starts today and I might be a tad ambitious with the amount of books I want to read, but in my defense, this is my last official week as an undergrad student and I may be panicking just a little bit. To hopefully keep my mind off of the impending reality that is adulthood, I have a ton of books that I want to get to.

Since May is also the Asian Readathon, I originally wanted to strictly read books by Asian authors. However, I am participating in a couple of blog tours at the beginning of June so I thought I'd take this week as my "cheat card" to read some books that aren't by Asian authors. 

My goal is to update this post like I did with the previous round with my daily page count. I do also want to participate in as many of the challenges as possible and actually attempt to engage on Twitter since I recently reactivated my account. 
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I did also want to add some audio options since I plan on doing a big art project throughout the week. I'm currently listening to Frankly in Love and if I finish it before the week's done I'll pick up I Love You So Mochi which is also the Subtle Asian Book Club pick for the month of May.

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day one
frankly in love - 2 hours 14 minutes - audio
a song of wraith and ruin - 23% - ebook
challenge - #insixwords - (my current state is...) lots of tea & lots of bread 

day two
a song of wraith and ruin - 54% - ebook
challenge - if this then that (kpop edition)
17675462. sy475 Pink Arrow Sticker for iOS & Android | GIPHYKnock / ASTRO : Lyrics -
The lyrics of Knock translate to searching for someone/something which pretty much sums up Gansey's entire quest to find Glendower and Cabeswater.
30095464Pink Arrow Sticker for iOS & Android | GIPHYLook | Kpop Wiki | Fandom
This song is all about heartbreak, but moving on and becoming stronger which essentially defines Tea's entire journey through the Bone Witch Trilogy. The heartbreak is loosely applied in this instance, but she's definitely endured so much pain for those she loves.
17443673Pink Arrow Sticker for iOS & Android | GIPHYGenius English Translations – April - LALALILALA (English ...
First of all, April slayed with this comeback and I can't get this song out of my head - to go with that idea, I read A Different Blue almost six years ago and haven't gotten around to rereading it yet. Regardless, it's stayed in my mind as one of my favorite reads of all time.

day three
a song of wraith and ruin - 65% - ebook
a darker shade of magic - 40 pgs - physical
challenge - book to movie
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Ironically, the first books that came to mind I had already featured in yesterday's challenge so finding some other options was a bit harder than I thought. When it comes to movies and tv shows, I find that I am a lot more character-driven than with books, but I also wanted to factor in other elements that I think would be important for a successful film adaptation.
The Young Elites - I'm all about morally ambiguous characters and I think the tense political atmosphere of the story along with the beautiful setting would make a very interesting and high-stakes tv series.
This Savage Song - to be honest, I've only read the first book and due to my horrible memory, can barely remember most of the plot. However, I do recall being incredibly invested in the world so getting to see it on screen would be really cool.
Daughter of Smoke and Bone - let's be real, I just want more excuses to see Zuzana and Mik because they're absolute goals, but also the story itself is so interesting and has a lot of potential for an adaptation. I personally would love to see how producers could adapt the chimeras on-screen and can only hope that it doesn't turn out as horrifying as the live-action still of Lilo and Stitch (I will never get over that disgraceful image).

day four
yes no maybe so - 103 pgs - ebook - finish
 a darker shade of magic - 65 pgs - physical
challenge: bookish matchmaking 

day five
the redpoint crux - 290 pgs - ebook - finish
i love you so much - 1 hr 28 minutes - audio
update: frankly in love - after a couple of days, I think I'm going to put this one on hold. The narrator isn't quite working for me which is 100% personal preference, I find that I always struggle with male narrators...but I did enjoy what I read up to, just might switch to ebook.
challenge: share your favorites
I will take any opportunity to gush about my favorites - this time around I thought I'd share three of my favorite trilogies that I've completed (which is harder than it sounds because my track record with finishing series I start is quite abysmal...)
The Bone Witch series (Book 1 - 3) by Rin Chupeco.. | Ines ...
I have raved about this book all over the place and the simple reason as to why I love this trilogy so much can be boiled down into one component: the characters. Rin Chupeco creates such an amazing cast with dynamic relationships, in a world that feels so familiar and magical at the same time. 
The Blood of Eden | CCPL Writers' Block
It has been YEARS since I've picked this trilogy up and I still think about how much I loved it. This is definitely a series that I desperately want to pick up and reread because I miss the story and characters so much. Due to my horrible memory, I already forgot a lot of the plot, but I do remember the high stakes intensity and emotional rollercoaster I experienced when reading these books.
6 book series that HBO should adapt to fill 'Game of Thrones' void
Ok I kind of lied, it wasn't that difficult coming up with three trilogies - it was harder coming up with ones that I don't talk about all the time BUT I had to. The Winternight Trilogy is one of my all-time favorite books and it just checks off all the boxes I want in a fantastic story. If it's possible for someone to forget how to breathe for the duration of 300+ pages let me know because that's how I felt the entire time. I love the world, love the characters, love the writing, it's everything.

day six
a darker shade of magic - 102 pgs - physical
the court of miracles - 56% - ebook
challenge: leave a review

day seven
a court of miracles - finish - ebook
my summer of love and misfortune - finish - ebook
challenge: stretch goal - finish one more books / listen to more of i love you so mochi

~ A    W R A P    U P ~
1, 4 7 8    P A G E S
finished - 4 books
started - 1 audiobook / 1 physical book
put down (for now) - 1 audiobook

I definitely powered through at the end of the readathon with my progress, but as always I still deviated from my original tbr. On the bright side, I'm feeling the reading high so hopefully that means I'll be able to jump start back into the books I want to read for the Asian Readathon! 

How did your Bout of Books go? What's your favorite read from the week? 

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  1. I love the way you've set out your if this then that challenge! I never know how many to do either...

    1. Thanks so much! It's always a debate haha but I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

  2. not much of a readerMay 12, 2020 at 5:05 PM

    I have been looking for recommendations for books written by Asian authors, so I look forward to hearing your thoughts on Frankly in Love and I Love You So Mochi!! I wish you the best on your last week of undergrad! Stay strong!

    1. Thank you so much! If you're looking for some great books, there's this amazing masterlist that was created for the Asian Readathon ( Some of my favorites are the Bone Witch trilogy by Rin Chupeco, Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim, and Pachinko by Min Jin Lee :)

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you!! Hope your reading goes great!

  4. This is amazing how you read so much books! I can barely finish a book or two in a week or so since I like to juggle my time between other hobbies along with reading :) I'm really interested in I Love You So Mochi. I hope to see how you find the book and what you think of it :) Love this and it's nice to know what you plan to read!!

    jillian @ jillian etc.

    1. Honestly I surprised myself too 😂 I don't think I've read this much in a week since high school!! I'm still working my way through the audiobook and so far so good - I'll definitely try to share my thoughts in a review once I finish :)


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