a childhood revival | percy jackson book tag
Hi friends! By now I'm sure everyone's heard the AMAZING news that we're getting the PJO adaptation of our dreams. If you haven't, Rick Riordan announced that Disney has bought the rights to the movie franchise and that he'll be taking part in writing the series that will be exclusive to Disney+
*cue all the excited screams*
Since then, there's been so much love for the Percy Jackson series that makes my little 5th grad heart so happy. I reread the series last year and it brought me back to all the fun adventures and amazing relationships that make up this memorable series. Therefore, in honor of this life-changing proclamation, I found this fun tag from May @ Forever and Everly and I thought I'd give it a go. Fun fact, she made these beautiful graphics and I cannot even begin to comprehend the level of skill that took~
Thank the person who tagged you and link to their post. (I'm doing this without being tagged as far as I am aware)
Link to the original creater: May @ Forever and Everly! Please note that she made the artwork/graphics, if using them.
*If you care about graphics having a clear quality, make it big enough so that the dimensions are 1103 x 175!
Match books with the given prompts.
Tag as many people as wanter!
Copy/paste the rules and list of prompts.

I have currently only rated one book 5-stars this year so this was a pretty easy choice. Despite this being a reread for me, I fell in love with the writing style and story and was left with so many nostalgic and beautifully sad feelings.

I've been staring at this trilogy on my shelves recently with the desire to reread and re-experience this fantastic masterpiece. It's been almost 5 years since I've delved into the world of Allomancy and experienced the journeys of Vin and Kelsier. Just talking about it here makes me want to go and pick these up again.

I had to go back and find my review of this book because I couldn't remember what exactly made me give this 5-stars when I read it (back in 2016) - that probably means it's time for a reread, but my thoughts summed up was basically a lot of feels and being blown away by the depth of relationship dynamics.

Granted, I didn't love this book but I was almost certain that I wasn't going to enjoy it. Whether I fell for the hype that was surrounding this series or not, I had a lot of fun bingeing the books across a couple of months and it was definitely an enjoyable reading experience.

While I haven't experienced the same things as Leigh, reading about her growth and experience reconciling her American and Taiwanese heritage resonated so much with me. The story reminds me of my favorite things about Taiwan and the beautiful meaning behind defining one's self-identity.

Fox and Tea were the first names that popped into my head and how could you not love them. Tea literally discovers her powers when she raises Fox from the dead and he's the reason for the whole adventure. I love everything about this duo - they truly have each other's backs through all the ups and downs of this series.

I have distinct memories of sitting in Barnes and Noble and just reading the entire novel in one go. With that said, this book also broke me and I admit to sniffling in the corner of the bookstore because I was so devasted and overcome with emotions.

High school me adored this iconic trilogy and everyone else on the internet did too. It's got one of the most beloved love triangle trio as well as one of the most satisfying conclusions. I recently picked up the entire series for my physical bookshelves and I am so excited to give them a reread.

Just to be clear, I'm talking about the entire trilogy which shouldn't be a surprise. I've talked about my love for Winternight ad nauseam and it has yet to be beat as one of my favorite series ever. The writing, the world, the characters, everything about these books just fill me with so much love and joy.

As one of my most anticipated sequels of 2020, I literally shed a couple of tears when I was selected to participate in its blog tour (hosted by Caffeine Book Tours) in July. I fell in love with the characters and mythology of the world and I'm honestly so excited to see how the story continues to unfold - I can't wait to be reunited with everyone.

Untitled by Katherine Arden
There isn't even a listing for this book on Goodreads but I've been watching Katherine Arden's Instagram livestreams (every Wednesday, 6pm EST) and she mentioned that she's working on a new novel. She summarized it as World War II meets Dante's Inferno and I'm instantly sold.

Here's another book that I desperately want to reread. I picked up Vicious in 2015 after hearing so many bloggers and booktubers talk about it and I fell in love with the morally gray characters and VE Schwab's writing style. I need to pick this up again because I really want to read the sequel.

This isn't the funniest book per se but I've realized that I don't pick up many books in the comedy genre or laugh out loud in general. However, one character who'll always put a smile on my face is Zuzanna, I freaking love her character so much.

I adore this book. According to Goodreads, I've read it at least twice and each time I remember falling in love with the characters and story all over again. There's just something so precious and nostalgic about this book that warms my heart even by just staring at it on my shelves.

The entire time I was reading this book, I was holding my breath. As the culmination of the series, there were so many things that could possibly go wrong and go wrong it did. It was fast-paced (almost too short for my liking) and left me with a couple of unshed tears.

I don't think everyone hates this book, but I honestly couldn't think of another answer. It has a 3.92 rating on Goodreads which isn't bad by any means but I remember reading a couple of bloggers whom I really love voicing their disappointment for this book. Personally, I read this book on Halloween in one sitting and the atmosphere was simply golden for me.

I finished this one a couple of days ago and I have never met a more infuriating character. Just looking at the cover raises my blood sugar a little bit. The synopsis promised a fluffy light contemporary and an exploration of one's Chinese heritage but instead, I got a massive migraine and an eye-rolling workout.

I tried really hard to find a pair that I haven't raved about in a while. All of the pairs from His Fair Assassins are some of my favorites - while it's been a couple of years since I've read these books, I remember really loving how the relationship dynamics was explored and how all the female characters were so strong and incredibly badass.
Ahh I had so much fun doing this tag so once again a huge thank-you to May for creating these great questions! I would be a horrible sibling if I didn't tag my younger sister to do this - she's an absolute PJO fanatic and I think it'll be fun to see her answers. She has also been experimenting with a book blog which is giving me so many flashbacks to when I first started.
If you've done your own rendition of this tag I would love to check out your answers!
All the Light We Cannot See will always be one of my favorite books that I've ever read! :) Beautiful writing, brilliant story, and great characters, even if the plot was quite heartbreaking. I also love Zuzanna from Daughter of Smoke and Bone! Great picks for the other prompts :)
ReplyDeletejillian @ jillian etc.
thanks so much - Zuzanna is legit best friend goals. I still need to pick up Night of Cake and Puppets, I keep putting it off for a day when I'm really in need for some laughs because I know it'll deliver all the feels and happiness :)
Deletei'm so excited for unravel the dusk!! i also have an earc for the blog tour, and i'm so excited to finally dive into it 🥺 and i remember being so scared about how the midnight star would end too (and for good reason, considering how much i cried when i read the ending 😭) aahhh i really need to read the bear and the nightingale! i've heard only good things about it, so hopefully i'll get to it this year in winter. thank you so much again for doing the tag, and i'm glad you had such a fun time with it!! 💕
ReplyDeletethank you again for creating the tag!! oh the bear and the nightingale is such a gem - hands down one of my tops. the beginning is a lot more atmospheric but the overall series is just so magical and powerful, if you get around to it let me know what you think!!
Deleteyesss i am so excited for the new adaptation!! reading all these posts about PJO is just making me so nostalgic and happy because it was one of my favorite series growing up and i need to reread it asap, haha. 😊 i sadly haven't read any of the books you mentioned, but The Cruel Prince, The Astonishing Color of After, and All The Light We Cannot See are on my tbr - so i'm really happy to see that you loved them!!
ReplyDeletethis post was so lovely to read 💖💖 (also, hello! i just found your blog and it's so cute and aesthetic and i love your blogging voice so much!!)
aww you are the absolute sweetest!! if you get around to any of these do let me know what you think!!
DeleteThis was so much fun to read, Riv! Also, idk if I've mentioned this before, but I really love your blog design ��.
ReplyDeleteAll The Light We Cannot See has been on my TBR foreverrrr, and it's so awesome that you enjoyed it! The Final Empire is so brilliant, and I definitely need to re-experience it soon too ��️. The Sea of Tranquility sounds like a really good story! I read the synopsis and wondered if you loved it so much partly because the main character is a musician ��? I suck and haven't finished the PJ series yet, but I will have to before the adaptation comes out ��!
Aww thanks Belle! 💖💖 Haha maybe? I did love the piano references in The Sea of Tranquility - just thinking about that makes me want to go reread it asap 🤣 Ooh that's so exciting, it means you have a lot of great reads waiting for you in the near future!!