A New Set of Goals - Hello 2019

It is four days into the new year and I figured that I should probably construct some sort of greeting to get things started. Hello universe, 2019 is here and there are so many things to do. I'm just getting over a cold so I was a bit MIA but now that I can finally breathe through my nose again let's figure out some goals I want to set.
65 books
I'm back with another Goodreads challenge. Honestly, 2018 was rough - I don't think I've ever been that behind on a Goodreads reading challenge ever and there was a moment where I thought I wasn't going to make it. With that said, we're going back to 65 which was my original goal before I changed it. I think it's pretty doable...a bit more than a book a week.
2 posts a week
This one makes me a bit nervous because I haven't had the best track record with consistent posting. However, I mentioned with Petitmas that I've rekindled my determination to be more active on the blogging community so I'm going to aim for two posts a week to make sure I'm actually putting out content.
Starting from June of last year, I've kept a pretty consistent schedule with journaling and this year I want to try to keep the streak going for the whole year. I've set up my new journal and have all these different spread ideas so I'm super excited to get started. My friend also gave me two massive books of scrapbook paper to play with. I'm thinking of filming some spreads so maybe I'll share some "journal with me" posts.
Another one I'm carrying over from last year - I want to have a review for every book I read in 2019. I almost achieved this last year but a couple books still slipped from my mind. I found myself remember a lot more even if I just scribble a couple bullet points down on Goodreads. Another goal that branches off of this one would be to post full review more often on the blog which goes into the whole two posts a week. I feel like last year I had my Goodreads bullet points and didn't get around to expanding my reviews into full coherent sentences so that's something to work on.

I think I'll keep my list simple and not get too ambitious. Everything feels relatively doable but still challenging to a certain extent. If there are any post ideas that you would like to see, please share them with me below! Have a wonderful start to 2019!
65 books
I'm back with another Goodreads challenge. Honestly, 2018 was rough - I don't think I've ever been that behind on a Goodreads reading challenge ever and there was a moment where I thought I wasn't going to make it. With that said, we're going back to 65 which was my original goal before I changed it. I think it's pretty doable...a bit more than a book a week.
2 posts a week
This one makes me a bit nervous because I haven't had the best track record with consistent posting. However, I mentioned with Petitmas that I've rekindled my determination to be more active on the blogging community so I'm going to aim for two posts a week to make sure I'm actually putting out content.
Starting from June of last year, I've kept a pretty consistent schedule with journaling and this year I want to try to keep the streak going for the whole year. I've set up my new journal and have all these different spread ideas so I'm super excited to get started. My friend also gave me two massive books of scrapbook paper to play with. I'm thinking of filming some spreads so maybe I'll share some "journal with me" posts.
Another one I'm carrying over from last year - I want to have a review for every book I read in 2019. I almost achieved this last year but a couple books still slipped from my mind. I found myself remember a lot more even if I just scribble a couple bullet points down on Goodreads. Another goal that branches off of this one would be to post full review more often on the blog which goes into the whole two posts a week. I feel like last year I had my Goodreads bullet points and didn't get around to expanding my reviews into full coherent sentences so that's something to work on.

I think I'll keep my list simple and not get too ambitious. Everything feels relatively doable but still challenging to a certain extent. If there are any post ideas that you would like to see, please share them with me below! Have a wonderful start to 2019!
good luck for your 2019 gals! Being actually French, I enjoy your blog title, but I wonder why you didn't add the e to spell photographe
ReplyDeleteHaha thank you! Wow that's so awesome - when I was deciding on my blog title I didn't know if I wanted to make it accurate grammatically (I even asked my HS French teacher haha) but decided that I liked the English "photograph" plus it combined a bit of my love for the French language with English which is my primary :)