One Month Left to Go - Petitmas 01

Happy December everyone! In honor of the holiday season, I'm bringing back a series I did last year called Twelve Days of Petitmas where I attempt to post every other day from Dec 2nd till Christmas Eve. Last year I believe I made it to nine posts so we're going to aim for at least ten (I'm being realistic with all the deadlines that are approaching.)
Since I virtually vanished off the face of the planet during November I thought we could kick Petitmas off with just a quick wrap up. Normally I would film a monthly reading wrap up but I read a lovely total of one book last a post it's going to be.

Now moving on to December, I'm pleased to say that I've already finished one book. However, according to my Goodreads Challenge, I need to read 6 more books in order to reach my goal (slight regrets for raising my reading challenging back in the summer to 75 books...) That number is a bit of a stretch if you compare it to how much I've read over the past couple of months, but I know myself well enough to understand that I tend to gravitate towards reading when I get super stressed - it's a coping mechanism.

With that said, I do have a rough list of what I want to read but as always everything is pretty much up for grabs. I just started Wildcard by Marie Lu and all I want to do is curl up in bed and read it, but alas I've got 2 projects and an essay due this week so it'll have to wait. Other than that, I still have a nice stack of physical books sitting on my desk that I brought with me at the start of the semester and I've only read...two of them? So that might be a good place to start.
Well, it's day one of Petitmas. Not going to lie I wish I was more prepared but we'll take this a day at a time and hopefully it'll be more fun than stressful!