Wow hello there stranger! It has been almost an entire month since I've posted anything and I'll admit I'm a bit rusty when it comes to creating posts right now. Finals season (correction: Finals month) seemed to come out of nowhere and with it came the disappearance of any time and motivation I had to do anything but sleep.

Sophomore year was definitely full of growing in unexpected ways. I stepped out of my comfort zone both musically and socially in ways that I didn't expect to. For one, I actually hung out with people! I know, it's quite a shocker, but I truly realized the importance of friendships and I'm eternally grateful to my lovely friends and all the late night talks and ice cream runs.

In addition to growth, this year has also been pretty frustrating when coming to terms with some things I would honestly have been glad to ignore. But college can't always be full of ups without any challenging times so in a sense I'm grateful for certain events that have helped me shape my understanding of the world around me and of myself and what I value.
This year honestly flew by so quickly it's hard to keep count of all the little details. In short, Sophomore Year, you've been on hell of a ride. Thank for the little lessons and for the insane amounts of ice cream and oreos I've ingested. Wish me luck because Junior Year is only going to get crazier from here!