2018 Reading Goals | Bout of Books Challenge (Day 2)

by - 8:38 PM

Hello world! This post is so incredibly late but I just got home from the city and realized that I didn't have an entry for today's challenge. I haven't discussed my reading goals for 2018 at all on the interwebs so I thought I would take the time to quickly do that here.

The only reading goal I really set every year is my Goodreads Challenge. Last year I set my goal to 50 books and was able to surpass that with a total of 66 books read which was such a surprise. I feel like this year is only going to be busier but I still went ahead and ambitiously set my goal to 65 books. As of right now, we're 9 days into 2018 and I've already completed 3 books so this might just work out (fingers crossed).

I slacked off so much on Instagram last year, posting only once a month which was such a fail. While I can't guarantee that I'll be as active as the other bookstagram accounts, the goal is to post a bit more often and just be more present on the bookstagram community.

My last goal in the realm of books has to do with this blog and my newly revived YouTube channel. I want to continue posting on both platforms frequently with 1-3 posts a week on the blog and 1 new video a week on the channel. I also want to make sure that I'm creating content that I enjoy creating as last year (particularly with YouTube) I felt restricted in what I could share with the world. 

My blog and channel are primarily focused on books because that is one of my biggest passions, but I also want to be able to share some other snippets of my life and interest that might not be book related (and not feel restricted from doing so).

That's pretty much all I've got in the realm of reading goals for this year. It's not too ambitious and doesn't have a lot of guidelines so I hope I'll be able to accomplish everything. Here's to a hopefully great and successful 2018! :)

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  1. Those are great goals! I'm also always trying to post more consistently on my blog. Good luck with your goals!!

    1. Thank you! I hope you're able to post more and reach your goals :)


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