Hello world! Since I was so M.I.A. in November, I missed out on sharing some amazing albums that were released and believe me...there were so many good comebacks last month. To avoid creating detailed reviews on each album that I loved (cause that would take up the entirety of PetitMas), I'm just going to share some particular songs that I loved.

I don't know about you, but I'm absolutely LOVING Sonamoo's new concept. I started following them after their "I Think I Love You" comeback, but didn't really get into them until the release of "Friday Night" which is Pt. 1 in their Happy Box Project. Everything from the addictive Spanish reminiscent melody to the stunning music video and dance was enough to get this song on my repeat list throughout the month! Also, the line: I don't want love baby, no pain no love has been forever ingrained in my mind.
Playback has finally returned to the K-pop scene after a 2 year hiatus and I could not be more excited! I'm so glad that Coridel Entertainment decided to finally let them comeback, but sad because they didn't end up promoting this song on any stages. Fingers crossed that they'll get a proper comeback in 2018! Want You to Say is an incredibly fun and upbeat song with such a great beat that I just could not get it out of my head after hearing it.
An honorable mention in the mini album goes to Euijin's "I Understand" cause that song is just so beautiful!
I have always been excited for Victon's comebacks since they debuted because they're Apink's brother group and if you know me, you know that I absolutely adore Apink. However, none of their songs have really stood out to me as much as Remember Me. The group has definitely been slowly changing their concept from "cute" to "mature" and this comeback just solidifies that transition. This song is so catchy and I have loved watching their comeback stages, especially since it seems that they are also garnering more attention!

I've become a fan of Lovelyz after their "Now, We" comeback (and it was their first win!!) While I did also love their title track for this album "Twinkle," my heart was completely stolen by "Fallin'" which is one of their B-side tracks. I was so excited when I saw they performed it live on a couple of stages because it's such a beautiful and sweet ballad. All the girls' voices just shine through and the lyrics are so incredibly sweet. I'm so happy that they were able to win on The Show with "Twinkle" because they're finally getting the recognition they deserve :)
Oh. My. Gods. Red Velvet has literally slayed my entire existence with the comeback and I don't even know what to do. SM has truly blessed us with three Red Velvet comebacks this year and I was not ready. This is another B-side track that I fell in love with though it was so difficult to choose which song to feature because "Peek-A-Boo" is literally a masterpiece as well. Actually, this whole album is just a work of art as it showcases the "velvet" and more mature side of the group and I am absolutely in love. "Kingdom Come" has this very 80's feel (I hope that's the right decade) and I literally melt every time because the harmonization of their voices is just pure perfection.

I was so excited when KARD announced that they were coming back because they've quickly become one of my top favorite groups even though this is their first official comeback after debuting in August. I love that they have this very tropical style that is uniquely KARD and that despite having a similar style, all of their songs are unique and catchy. You in Me has a much darker vibe and I absolutely fell in love with the MV and all their live stages (check out SBS's December 3rd stage because Jiwoo in a ponytail slayed me). I love this song so much, you might just see it pop up in a later #PetitMas post :)

Pentagon is another group who has blessed us with a third comeback this year. I'm loving their Demo albums which just mean that all the songs have been self-composed by a member. Runaway has this super addictive chorus and just features each members' voice so nicely. I am in love with their dance, especially the move where they throw their hands in the air. The song itself almost seems laid back when accompanied by certain dance moves, but as it's paired with a more tropical (is that the right term) beat, it definitely picks up the hype.
So that's my very long list...I'm a bit surprised that I managed to narrow the list down to only 7 songs. If you're interested in seeing what songs didn't make the list (i.e. B tracks, other albums), you can check out my Spotify playlist for November to see what else has been on repeat.