Review: Shangri-La

by - 10:15 PM

Shangri-La - 4th Mini Album
| Release Date: May 15, 2017 | 
| Rating: 5 out of 5 stars |

Hello world! This is a bit overdue but I'm always late with my album reviews so at least it's going up. VIXX is definitely one of my favorite groups out there and when they released teaser photos I was so excited for this concept. 

Shangri-La is such an amazing song as usual because all of VIXX's songs are amazing but the music video is just something else - it's actual aesthetic goals to the very max. From what I know, the idea behind the concept was birthstones and flowers and there are no words to describe how breathtaking the cinematography is.

I honestly had this album on repeat while I was packing up my dorm and love every single song. However, other than the title track, I have to say that 다가오네 (Almost There) is probably my favorite just because I love a good VIXX ballad and this one is no different.

0:00 . 桃源境 (도원경) (Shangri-La)
6:46 Black Out 9:56 다가오네 (Almost There) 13:46 우리에게 (To Us)
17:29 도원경 (桃源境) (Inst.)

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